The Low Investment Mound Aces (LIMA) Plan for batters offers you a way to target consistent, affordable hitters who offer both solid plate discipline and some power/speed upside.
It suggests that we should target hitters who are projected to meet some of the following thresholds:
LIMA values can vary based on your league context. We encourage you to use our Custom Draft Guides to see customized LIMA targets for your league.
Here are the top 2025 projected LIMA hitting targets in a mixed league, sorted by projected skills (BPX):
Player | Lg | 5x5 | ADP | LIMA | bb% | ct% | Eye | PX | Spd | BPX |
Mike Trout | AL | $ 13 | 124 | B | 15% | 70% | 0.58 | 182 | 131 | 343 |
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