Chourio sharpens skills ... After hitting .243 in the first half, Jackson Chourio (OF, MIL) hit .300 in the second half. Can he continue the success?
Year | PA | HR | SB | BA/xBA | bb% | ct% | G/L/F | h% | HctX | PX/xPX | Spd | SBO% |
2023* | 574 | 19 | 35 | .260//N/A | 6% | 79% | 47/16/35 | 30% | N/A | 88/N/A | 103 | 33% |
2024 | 573 | 21 | 22 | .275/.274 | 7% | 77% | 48/16/35 | 32% | 132 | 117/115 | 115 | 22% |
Yes, his improved skills say he can:
Across-the board improvements in the second half contributed to a $20 R$. His...
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